Jamie & Kim
30 years of professional and lived experience with traumatized children in mental health ICU units.
Successful and committed Therapeutic Foster Parents for 7 traumatized children.
Adoptive Parents of two foster children.

Glady & Chris
Glady is an amazing teacher at Monarch school for homeless students.
Chris is a highly successful coach at the Monarch school for homeless student athletes.
Successful and committed Professional Therapeutic Foster Parents for multiple traumatized children leading to safe and loving Forever Homes.

Alicia & Travis
Amazing trauma experienced parents who effectively parented their children after surviving a deadly school shooting.
Incredibly successful and committed Professional Therapeutic Foster Parents for two traumatized children for as long as the children needed them.

Ellen & Brandon
Ellen is a former foster child and Child Advocacy Lawyer
Brandon is an ER doctor
Together they have been highly effective and committed Professional Therapeutic Foster Parents for six traumatized teenagers.